
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 04:11:23
2. Settlement of a Claim

Re:Your Claim on 1, α Xl M/Ts Chemical Fertilizer
With reference to your letter of September 6th in which a claim has been lodged for a short delivery of 1800 Ibs. chemical fertilizer, we wish to express our deepest regret over the unfortunate incident . You must have had much difficulty in meeting the orders of your clients.
After a check-up by our staff at the warehouse in Glasgow, it was found that some 40 bags had not been packed in 5-ply strong paper bags as stipulated in the contract, resulting in breakage during transit. This was due entirely to negligence on the part of the warehouse managers , for which we, the exporters, tender our apologies.
In view of our long-standing business relations of which, we trust, there is a good prospect of further development, we will make payment by cheque for £382.00, the amount of claim, into your account with the Bank of China, upon receipt of your agreement.
We hope this matter will no

2 解决索赔

回复:你在9月6号的信里提到关于1, α Xl M/Ts 化学肥料的请求已经向有关当局提出了1800 ibs的交货短缺。 化学肥料,我们想要表达我们对于这次事件深深的抱歉。你在处理你的顾客的订购的时候一定遇到了很多麻烦吧。
在我们的职员在格拉斯哥( Glasgow)的仓库检查之后,发现有40个袋子没有像合同规定的那样被5层厚的硬质纸包装起来,导致了在运输途中的破损。这全是仓库的经理们的疏忽,因此,我们要向出口商道歉。

2 。解决索赔

回复:您的要求对1 , α xl米/ TS的化肥
参考你在信中的9月6日在一个声称已提出,为在短期内提供1800 IBS的。化肥,我们希望表达我们最深切的遗憾的不幸事件。你必须有很大的困难,在会议的命令,您的客户。
鉴于我们的长期业务关系,其中,我们相信,有一个良好的前景,进一步发展,我们将尽以支票缴款,为£ 382.00 ,金额索赔,到您的帐户,与中国银行,在收到您的协议。